Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
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Showing 451 - 460 of 2262 recipients
Mdm Boo Soo Kiang
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Pardip Kaur
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Miss Liew Heng Lan
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Lau Khee Pheng
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr A Sivam Reddy
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Asirvatham Sursas Muthu
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mrs Chan Wai Pew
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Chong Lai Choo
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Miss Cynthia Teresa Grosse
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Meenah Bte Mohamed Salleh
The Long Service Medal, 2007