Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
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Showing 411 - 420 of 2210 recipients
Miss Gee Siew Khim
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mwo George David
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mr Gerard Christopher Francis
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Miss Goh Poh Sam
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mrs Goh Tuan Eng nee Poh
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mr Goh Aik Sian
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mr Goh Beng Soon
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Maj Goh Chai Wun
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Miss Goh Chong Tee
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mdm Goh Geok Tee
The Long Service Medal, 2002