Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
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Showing 401 - 410 of 1754 recipients
Miss Wee Gek Choo Audrey
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Miss Roselinda Bte Omar
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Sumathi d/o S Ramachandran
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mr Wong See Haw
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Goh Hwee Tin
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mrs Wahid Rohani, Rohani Bte Saim
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Tan Bin Eng
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mr Chan Kee Cheong
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mrs Gunassaharan V Malarrkodi
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Lim Chor Leng
The Long Service Medal, 2009