Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 391 - 400 of 1581 recipients
Mr Ee Keok Lye @ Yunus Ee Bin Abd
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Erman Bin Yusoff
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Gan Kok Ann
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Ganesan S/O Kasi Servai
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Lee Beng Seng Gary
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Wong Yit Hwa Gary
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Hee Ching Perng
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Heng Seng Meng
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Ms Ho Kwee Kian
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Idris Bin Abdul Wajis
The Long Service Medal, 2006