Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
RemoveYear 2002 filter2002
Showing 361 - 370 of 2210 recipients
Mr Ding Hock Hui
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mr Eu Ai Ming
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mr Ee Guan Huat
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mr Ek Gek Huat
The Long Service Medal, 2002
2Wo Elangovan Palaniappan
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mr Eng Wee Tong
The Long Service Medal, 2002
2Wo Eng Kwong Choon
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Miss Er Poh Wah
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mr Er Swee Hiong
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mdm Esah Binte Matsah
The Long Service Medal, 2002