Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 351 - 360 of 1597 recipients
Mrs Jaisri Thirunavukarasu
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Ong Seck Chye
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Miss Ho Jai Seng
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Ng Pek Har
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Sanisah Binte Rahmat
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Kwan Wai Han
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Lee Siok Keng
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Leong Sook Hing
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Miss Zaileha Binte Hashim
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Tay Ngee Peng
The Long Service Medal, 2014