Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 341 - 350 of 1581 recipients
Dr Karuppiah Vijayalakshmi
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Ms Khoo Suat Bee
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Ng Kim Hoi @ Ng Kim Hui
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Ms Norain Binte Abdullah @ Seah Siew Huey
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Ms Zaiton Binte Samion
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Ali B Hassan
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Chai Chiang Yap
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Ms Koh Mooi Hiang Sussie
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Koh Tian Hwee
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Dr Lee Tong Kooi
The Long Service Medal, 2006