Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 321 - 330 of 1654 recipients
Mr Kasmany Bin Sanif
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Ms Koh Siew Luan
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Miss Kok Soon Heng
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Ms Latifah Binte Abdul Latif
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Lee Song Khim
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mrs Lee-Soh Hwee Ling
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Ms Leong Lye Lin Cecilia
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mrs Low-Wang Kwang Cheng
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Ms Mariam Bte Aris
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Mohamad Farid Bin Chemat
The Long Service Medal, 2010