Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
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Showing 291 - 300 of 2262 recipients
Mdm Yeo Kim Gek Noreen
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Ang Chee
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Chua Siew Bee
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Foo Tee Ghuat
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Loo Ah Keow
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Peng Siak Aim
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Pushparani d/o K Nadarajah
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Miss Shannon Yap Tuan Chong
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Soh Khoon Siong
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Cheng Mey Lee
The Long Service Medal, 2007