Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 21 - 30 of 1754 recipients
Mdm Noorlida Bte Abu Bakar
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Pang Yueh Er
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Rawindar Pal d/o P Singh
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Samsiah Bte Mohd Junid
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Saniah Bte Sarmiten
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Tan Kim Tor
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Wong Choi Leng
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Woon Elis
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Yong Nyuk Mui
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Miss Ho Bee Lian
The Long Service Medal, 2009