Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 21 - 30 of 1581 recipients
Mrs Chua-Tan Wan Kim
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Ho You Leong
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Kwen Wai Loon
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Lai Chee Weng
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Teo Pit Yong
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Cheong Wah San
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Chua Hang Kaa
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Fangerises s/o C P Rocky
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mdm Faridah Bte Jumahat
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Jaswinder Singh s/o R S Kapur
The Long Service Medal, 2006