Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 2881 - 2890 of 3154 recipients
Mr Tumadi Bin Dulhadi
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mr Tumin Bin Wahid
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mdm Tuminah Binte Raban
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mdm Tuminah Bte Haji Ikhsan
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mr Tumiran Bin Tangat
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mr Umar Shah Bin Ab Bakar
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mdm Valliamah D/O S A A Sahat
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mdm Varatharaju Umadevi
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Miss Vasanthi D/O Kuppasamy
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Miss Vasavan Justine Elizabeth
The Long Service Medal, 2000