Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
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Showing 271 - 280 of 1654 recipients
Mr Nee Pai How
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Ms Tan Geok Lan
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Sim Boon Quang
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Ms Tan Yuek Wee
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Teo Kai Tee
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Dr Boey Siek Yeng
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Tay Chor Eng
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Tan Ping Kong
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Tan Aik Kiang
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Chan Hon Kwok
The Long Service Medal, 2010