Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
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Showing 2701 - 2710 of 3154 recipients
Mr Tang Chee Mun
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mr Tang Keng Hock
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mr Tang Keng Tong
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mdm Tang Oi Fong
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mdm Tang Siew Fong Lucy
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mr Tang Sim Ping
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mr Tang Yeng Fun
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mdm Tang Yoke Cheong
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mr Tangavelu S/O Karuppannen
The Long Service Medal, 2000
Mr Tarmidi B Yusope
The Long Service Medal, 2000