Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
RemoveYear 2005 filter2005
Showing 241 - 250 of 2404 recipients
2WO Seet Teng Hong
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Seng Liat Heng
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Shiva Shanmugam S/O N Muthusamy
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Sim Choon Hwa
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Sim Siew Poh
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Sin Yao Chai
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Siva Linggam S/O Kalani
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Soh Beng Tiat
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Soh Soon Lee
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Soh Yak Hong
The Long Service Medal, 2005