Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 231 - 240 of 1654 recipients
Mr Yong Weng Choy
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Chua Soo Lian
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mrs Fernandez-Lam Siew Gan
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mrs Ng-Ong Geok Sung
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mrs Ho-Woo Siew Cheun
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mrs Kang-Teo Beng Hoon, Patricia
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mrs Lim-Choo Bee Huay
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mrs Leow-How Seok Lai
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Tan Kiat Seng
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Wong Chong Howe
The Long Service Medal, 2010