Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 231 - 240 of 2262 recipients
Mr Seet Seow Meng
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Tan Lee Fang
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Miss Tan Lok Huang
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Woon Siew Fong
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Normala Binti Jumali
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mrs Chan Ka Teck
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Miss Ng Siew Kuan
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Miss Wong Toon Keen
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Dr Boon Suan Loy Zoe
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Miss Cheong May Lan
The Long Service Medal, 2007