
Browse through the list of 110,548 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 2311 - 2320 of 3154 recipients

Mr Ser Swee Kim

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Sethu Madhavan

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mdm Shaharon Bt Ibrahim

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Shaharuddin B A Nordin

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Shahmawi Bin Mohamed

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mdm Shamsiah Bte Baba

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Miss Shantha Sockalingam

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Miss Shariffa Badriya Bte S Mohd

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Msg Sharmugam S/O V

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Sheikh Abdul Nazir Bin Abdul Khalid

The Long Service Medal, 2000