
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 2201 - 2210 of 2210 recipients

Mdm Zaleha Binte Mansor

The Long Service Medal, 2002

Miss Zariyah Binte Alias

The Long Service Medal, 2002

Mdm Zawiah Binte Suleiman

The Long Service Medal, 2002

Mdm Zidah Binte Musa

The Long Service Medal, 2002

Ms Zubeda Khanam Mohamed Ashraf

The Long Service Medal, 2002

Mdm Zulaiha Binte Mohd Din

The Long Service Medal, 2002

Miss Zuridah Binte Ayob

The Long Service Medal, 2002

The late 1WO Choo Sun Kai

The Long Service Medal, 2002

The late MSG Ng Guan Hock

The Long Service Medal, 2002

The late 2WO Nirmal Kumar

The Long Service Medal, 2002