Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 11 - 20 of 1805 recipients
Ms Chan Moh Ling
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Fatimah Binte Hussein
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Lim Soh Din
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Lam Siew Bee
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Kelly Poo Chin Wee
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Chetra d/o Sinnathamby
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Sharifah Muznah binte Hasan Alhadad
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Faridah binte Ibrahim
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Faridah binti Kassim
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Low Eik Sin
The Long Service Medal, 2015