Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 11 - 20 of 1597 recipients
Ms Haslinda bte Md Yusof
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Peter Chan Khin Meng
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Shaharuddin Bin Sapie
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Mohd Shafi'e bin Abdullah
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Iskander Mydin
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Alli d/o Arumugam
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Arunmohze d/o R M Daruman
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Boo Chew Kuan
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Brennan Lee Wai Chung
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Chua Eng Huay
The Long Service Medal, 2014