Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 11 - 20 of 1581 recipients
Mdm Lim Kwee Lang
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Mokhtar Bin Ahmad Nadzri
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mdm Ruziah Bte A Bakar
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Sumaran Paul s/o Krishna Pillai
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Tan Peng Huat
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Teo Kim Huat
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Yeap Soon Eong
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Zainal Bin Yem
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Cheong Mun Wah
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Chiu Yew Kheong
The Long Service Medal, 2006