
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 181 - 190 of 3154 recipients

Mdm Azizah Binte Mohamed Said

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mdm Azizah Bte Abdul Karim

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mdm Azizah Bte Jaffar

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mdm Azizah Bte Selamat

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mdm Azizzah Bte Ahmad

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Azlan B Attan

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Azmi Bin Jais

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mrs Azmi Md Isa Nee Noraini Jaffar

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mrs B Arjan Singh

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Ms Baey Haip Foon

The Long Service Medal, 2000