Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
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Showing 171 - 180 of 2404 recipients
2WO Ilankovan S/O Palanisamy
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Inderjit Singh S/O Jhagir Singh
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Jeffrey Lian Kee Hwee
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Jegateesan S/O Adisavam
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Kalyani D/O T Muthu
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Kathan Ravindran
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Katherine Tan Seam Chuan
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Koh Ah Leng
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Koh Jin Bah
The Long Service Medal, 2005
2WO Koh Nguan Chye Anthony
The Long Service Medal, 2005