Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 1781 - 1790 of 1805 recipients
Miss Goh Sock Ching
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Mr Ho Siew Foon
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Miss Seow Soh Keng
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Mdm Sze Chinyu
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Mr Tee Chin Yong
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Mr Yeo Eng Khiang
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Merlyn Ee
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Flossie Hua Cheng Kwee
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Ms Koh Hong Eng
The Long Service Medal, 2015
Mr Ong Kheng Boon
The Long Service Medal, 2015