Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 1571 - 1580 of 1654 recipients
Ms Ng Cher Keng
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mrs Low-Ong Chwee Ngoh
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Wang Koon Kiat, Jerry
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mdm Ng Pia Lee, Suzie
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mdm Toh Siew Leng
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Lim Lam Koy, Michael
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Wong Thim Chiew
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mdm Vasantahra d/o Doraisamy
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mdm How Ing In Rebecca
The Long Service Medal, 2010
Mr Yap Yong Yiow Andrew
The Long Service Medal, 2010