Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 1401 - 1410 of 1436 recipients
Mdm Norlelah Bte Ariffin
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Tay Cheng Chua
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Ms Lee Wee Leng
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Ms Esther Rani William
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mdm Toi Miaw Jee, Brenda
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mrs Noraini Bte Abdul Hamid
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mdm Chia May Yock
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Wong Chee Kiong Frederick
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Leung Fat Yuen, Sammy
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mrs Yeo-Lim Seh Choo, Josephine
The Long Service Medal, 2011