Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 1371 - 1380 of 1436 recipients
Mr Anand Raghavan
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Dr Roland Lim Yan Guan
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Dr Christopher Hang-Kwang Lim
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mdm Tang Choy Yee Alice
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Goh Kwang Yow
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Yew Sung Pei
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Ishak Bin Jalil
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Ms Lim Hong King
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Ms M Alagammal
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Wang Tui Muan
The Long Service Medal, 2011