Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 121 - 130 of 2760 recipients
Mr Ambiak Bin Wagimin
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mdm Amidah Binte Suarti
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mdm Aminah Binte Ahmad
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mr Amirudin Bin Berah
The Long Service Medal, 2001
2Wo Ampalavanar Ratnaraja
The Long Service Medal, 2001
2Wo Anbalagaan Packirisamy
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mr Ang Ah Kow Anthony
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mdm Ang Ai Hua
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Miss Ang Beng Guat
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mr Ang Boo Seng Simon
The Long Service Medal, 2001