Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 111 - 120 of 1581 recipients
Mr Muhammad Redhuan Bin Abdullah
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Nachiappan
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Ng Bok Chwee
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Miss Ng Ning Hua
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Miss Niang Fung Lin Fiona
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Oo Meng Kum
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Ooi Say Chew
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr P Jahairam
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Paramasivam S/O Alagharsamy
The Long Service Medal, 2006
Mr Pea Cheng Hin
The Long Service Medal, 2006