Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
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Year :
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Showing 111 - 120 of 2760 recipients
Mr Alias Bin Abdullah
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mr Alias Bin Sakaran
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Miss Alijah Binte Mohamed Shariff
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mr Allagarappan Kalimuthu
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mr Aloysius Laurance Pragasam
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mdm Amalia Binte Abdul Hamid
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mr Aman Bin Ahmad
The Long Service Medal, 2001
MWO Amar Singh
The Long Service Medal, 2001
Mr Amarbahadur Gurung
The Long Service Medal, 2001
LTC Amarjit Singh
The Long Service Medal, 2001