Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 101 - 110 of 2262 recipients
Mdm Zaharah Bte Mohd Ali
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Chia Wah Tuan
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Goh Soon Hock
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mdm Jumanya Bte Mohamed Sarip
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Mustapa Bin Ahmad
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Hor Gar Yin
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Chow Hoon Meng
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Chua Kong Hwei
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr George Chia Chee Yeun
The Long Service Medal, 2007
Mr Moses Monoharan Paul
The Long Service Medal, 2007