Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 91 - 100 of 1597 recipients
Mdm Ang Tse Khim
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Ko Miew Sim
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Lim Kheng Siang
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Tay Jui Leng
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Low Wan Yin
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Wong Yew Fai
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Yap Siew Wai
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Yeu Eng Kiong
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Ms Veemaladeevi
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mdm Peng Mei Fern
The Long Service Medal, 2014