Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 1 - 10 of 1436 recipients
Mr Lim Hock Choon, David
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mdm Yeo Poh Noi
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Ms Wong Kuan Ying
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Ms Fauziah Binte Haron
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Ms Hawah Bte Wasin
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mdm Junaidah Bte Ismail
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Seah Seow Kee, Dennis
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mdm Cheo Boon Keng
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Lim Kwang Hwee
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Miss Koh Swee Eng
The Long Service Medal, 2011