
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 1 - 10 of 3154 recipients

Mdm Tham Kum Ying Susan

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr A W Stanley William Sena

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Ab Rahim Bin Mohamed

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Ab Rahman Bin Ali

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Abas Bin Yunos

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Abbas Bin Itam

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Abd Hamid Bin Kassim

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Abd Kadir Bin Syed Md

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Abd Karim Bin Osman

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Abd Rahim Bin Md Sarip

The Long Service Medal, 2000