
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 81 - 90 of 391 recipients

Mr Mohd Razali Bin Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2007

Mdm Rapiah Binte Majnen

The Long Service Medal, 2007

Mdm Farida Khanom Bte Mirza Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2007

Mr Atan Bin Majeed

The Long Service Medal, 2007

Mr Majed Bin Ahmad

The Long Service Medal, 2006

Mdm Aisah Bi Binti Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2006

Mr Fazlur Rahman S/O Abdul Majeed

The Long Service Medal, 2006

Mr Abdul Khalid Bin Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2006

Mr Abdul Majeed Bin Yosuff

The Long Service Medal, 2006

Mr Jufri Bin Haji Majuri

The Long Service Medal, 2006