
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 51 - 60 of 391 recipients

Mr Zainudin Bin Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2016

Mr Abdul Rahman Bin Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2016

Mdm Rohana Bte Ab Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2016

Mdm Premaja d/o Madhavan

The Long Service Medal, 2016

Ms Sharifah Nurulmajidah Bte Syed Abdul Majid Barakba

The Long Service Medal, 2015

Mr Mohamed Razif S/O Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2015

Mr Abdul Majid Bin Abdul Rahim

The Long Service Medal, 2015

Mr Osman B Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2014

Ms Saridah Binte Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2014

Ms Majinah Bte Ibrahim

The Long Service Medal, 2013