
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 331 - 340 of 391 recipients

MAJ Chan Siew Mun

The Long Service Medal, 1999

MAJ Chee Chee Wah

The Long Service Medal, 1999

MAJ Chern Kay Kim

The Long Service Medal, 1999

MAJ Chua Choon Hock

The Long Service Medal, 1999

MAJ Chua Swee Chye

The Long Service Medal, 1999

MAJ Goh Miang Heng

The Long Service Medal, 1999

MAJ Goh Thiam Hock

The Long Service Medal, 1999

MAJ Gopalan Vasanth

The Long Service Medal, 1999

Mr Jamal Bin Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 1999

Mdm Junah Binte Haji Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 1999