Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Efficiency Medal (Military) filterThe Efficiency Medal (Military)
Year :
RemoveYear 2013 filter2013
Showing 51 - 60 of 87 recipients
ME3 Ho Kok Tong
The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2013
ME3 Ho Quck Chan, PBS
The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2013
ME3 Inderjit Singh S/O Jhagir Singh, PBS
The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2013
ME3 Jessee Chua
The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2013
ME3 Joseph Leslie Wilson, PBS
The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2013
ME3 Khoo Kian Seong, PBS
The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2013
ME3 Koh Ah Beng
The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2013
ME3 Lee Wai Meng, PBS
The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2013
ME3 Lew Kai Yong, PBS
The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2013
ME3 Lim Chee Keong
The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2013