
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 21 - 30 of 94 recipients

1WO Yap Boon Quee, PBS

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2011

2WO Alias Bin Rifaie, PBS

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2011

2WO Chia Peng Hwee, PBS

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2011

2WO Goh Charng Siew, PBS

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2011

2WO Lim Kuan Yeow

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2011

2WO Oh Yew Leng Regimental

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2011

2WO Rozilan Bin Mohammed Roshid, PBS

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2011

2WO S Diravida Maran, PBS

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2011

2WO Shanmuganathan S/O Koroanoam Kanapathi, PBS

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2011

2WO Tan Boon Keng, PBS

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2011