
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 91 - 100 of 106 recipients

1WO Chang Hon Kit

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2005

1WO Chiang Sung Meng

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2005

1WO Foo Seck Khoon

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2005

2WO Leong Keng Sinn

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2005

1WO Chia Loy Ngee

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2005

1WO Leong Wai Kong

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2005

1WO Chuah Seong Leng

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2005

2WO C Bhonesveran

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2005

1WO Choo Kum Seng

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2005

1WO Heng Cher Ming

The Efficiency Medal (Military), 2005