Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Efficiency Medal filterThe Efficiency Medal
Year :
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Showing 51 - 60 of 241 recipients
Mdm Rasheada Begam d/o Kaim
The Efficiency Medal, 2005
Mdm Rosnita Bte Hamid
The Efficiency Medal, 2005
Mdm Sarimah Bte Mustafa
The Efficiency Medal, 2005
Mdm Shannon Quek Bee Loon
The Efficiency Medal, 2005
Mdm Tan Bee Kian, Jasmine
The Efficiency Medal, 2005
Mdm Tan Su Cheng Sharon
The Efficiency Medal, 2005
Miss Ang Bee Theng Jenny
The Efficiency Medal, 2005
Miss Chee Siok Tuan, Janice
The Efficiency Medal, 2005
Miss Chia Peck Lan, Agnes
The Efficiency Medal, 2005
Miss Chong Choy Hoong Beatrice
The Efficiency Medal, 2005