
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 51 - 60 of 236 recipients

Ms Govindasamy Sarala Devi

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Ms Galistan Therese Ann

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Ganesan s/o Muthu

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Goh Ah Guan

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Goh Chong Guan

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Goh Eak Kwan

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Miss Goh Khar Huay

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Miss Goh Mui Kiah

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Goh Swee Hock Matthew

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mdm Gopalakrishnan Lalitha

The Efficiency Medal, 2000