Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Efficiency Medal filterThe Efficiency Medal
Year :
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Showing 41 - 50 of 363 recipients
Mrs Leong-Ho Hil May
The Efficiency Medal, 2010
Mr Lai Kai Wah Darren
The Efficiency Medal, 2010
Mdm Sucillia Bte Sukiman
The Efficiency Medal, 2010
Mr Cheah Siew Chuan
The Efficiency Medal, 2010
Ms Shanthy d/o Valayutham
The Efficiency Medal, 2010
Mrs Kuo-Lim Gek Lye
The Efficiency Medal, 2010
Mrs Lee-Seet Mei Lin, Christina
The Efficiency Medal, 2010
Ms Wong Heng Keow
The Efficiency Medal, 2010
Mdm Goh Lee Kheng
The Efficiency Medal, 2010
Mdm Wee Siew Foong
The Efficiency Medal, 2010