
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 41 - 50 of 241 recipients

Mdm Loo Swu Yun

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mdm Mariani Bte Salam

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mdm Meritha Binte Salimon

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mdm Mok Seow Joo

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mdm Narayanasamy Tamizmalar

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mdm Ng Choai Hia

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mdm Ng Huey Bian

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mdm Nor Hazlita Bte Mohd Aris

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mdm Norahmah Bte Haron

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mdm Pong Yin Yen Karen

The Efficiency Medal, 2005