
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 31 - 40 of 381 recipients

Mdm Tay Leah Teng

The Efficiency Medal, 2014

Mdm Gnanamani D/O Durairaj Samuel

The Efficiency Medal, 2014

Mr Tay Joo Kok

The Efficiency Medal, 2014

Mdm Goh Pui Meng

The Efficiency Medal, 2014

Mdm Liang Lay Eng

The Efficiency Medal, 2014

Mdm Ho Nai Eng

The Efficiency Medal, 2014

Mdm Jacqueline Wee Yu Ting

The Efficiency Medal, 2014

Mr Chng Jeck Kim

The Efficiency Medal, 2014

Mdm Sharifah Nur Hidayah Bte Omar

The Efficiency Medal, 2014

Mdm Liew Siew Lian

The Efficiency Medal, 2014