Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Efficiency Medal filterThe Efficiency Medal
Year :
RemoveYear 2002 filter2002
Showing 231 - 240 of 243 recipients
Mdm Yeo Yau Keng
The Efficiency Medal, 2002
Mdm Yeo Shok Kiang
The Efficiency Medal, 2002
Mrs Yeo-Chong Kiao Yuh
The Efficiency Medal, 2002
Mr Yeong Fook Seng
The Efficiency Medal, 2002
Mr Yip Kwok Yuen
The Efficiency Medal, 2002
Mr Yip Ho Chuen
The Efficiency Medal, 2002
Miss Yong Chooi Cheng
The Efficiency Medal, 2002
Miss Yong Lee Hoong Sally
The Efficiency Medal, 2002
Mr Zakaria Bin Ismail
The Efficiency Medal, 2002
Mdm Zanariah Binte Zakaria
The Efficiency Medal, 2002