
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 221 - 230 of 236 recipients

Mrs Wee Bian Hua nee Ng Giok

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Ms Wendy Chiew Shook Leng

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mrs Wong Hwee Ngo

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Wong Ong Kok

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mdm Wong Pey Wah

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Miss Wong Siok Muoi

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Wong Tai Ying Mackenzie

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mrs Wong Tham Yoke Hong Serene

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Wong Yew Suen

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mrs Wong-Lim Eng Ling Angelina

The Efficiency Medal, 2000