Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Efficiency Medal filterThe Efficiency Medal
Year :
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Showing 191 - 200 of 433 recipients
Ms Grace Lim Ngiuk Yoong
The Efficiency Medal, 2015
Ms Marhaini Bte Mohd Zain
The Efficiency Medal, 2015
Ms Ng Hui Fenn
The Efficiency Medal, 2015
Ms Winnie Ong Siew Hoon
The Efficiency Medal, 2015
Ms Irene Ong Yi-Jan
The Efficiency Medal, 2015
Ms Seah Sok Eng
The Efficiency Medal, 2015
Ms Seng Gek Siang
The Efficiency Medal, 2015
Ms Norazlina Bte Shaikh Ibrahim M
The Efficiency Medal, 2015
Ms Tan Siok Keow
The Efficiency Medal, 2015
Ms Teh Nguan Kheng
The Efficiency Medal, 2015