
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 11 - 20 of 177 recipients

Mrs Ariaratnam Angelica Vimalini

The Efficiency Medal, 1998

Mr Azmi Bin Aidi

The Efficiency Medal, 1998

Mdm Betty Cho Swee Thoe

The Efficiency Medal, 1998

Mdm Catherine Devakumari

The Efficiency Medal, 1998

Mr Chai They Jhan

The Efficiency Medal, 1998

Mdm Chan Yuet Lan

The Efficiency Medal, 1998

Mrs Chan Kheng Joo

The Efficiency Medal, 1998

Mdm Diana Chan Siok Lan

The Efficiency Medal, 1998

Mr Chan Teck Seng

The Efficiency Medal, 1998

Mr Chang Cheo Chai

The Efficiency Medal, 1998